Seed the cure.
Fund the dreams that lead to breakthroughs.
The Cancer League is a San Francisco Bay Area nonprofit that funds groundbreaking cancer research at its early stages.
Cancer research is normally funded by large nonprofit organizations that require a significant proof of concept. But getting the funding required to develop this initial data set can be challenging, leading cutting-edge ideas struggling to get noticed. Just like technology startups, these research startups need seed funding to get off the ground. The Cancer League finds and funds these breakthrough research projects, accelerating us all towards the cure.
“The Cancer League has been seeding bold, new research at UCSF for over 20 years. These projects have gone on to earn funding from hugely competitive sources so they can yield meaningful changes in how we treat cancer with investigational therapies and clinical trials.”
— Alan Ashworth, PhD, FRS
President, UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
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